Stories of Survival
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About this PSA

Masha Friedman, Alison’s great-aunt, is a Hungarian survivor of the Holocaust. As one of hundreds of 3GNY volunteers who share their family stories with students and professionals, Alison ensures that Masha’s story will never be forgotten. Moreover, Alison reminds us that the promise of "never again" is an active pledge, imploring us to stand up to hatred and act with courage and compassion every day. Learn more about Masha and how you can stand up to hate with 3GNY here.

About the Organization

3GNY is an educational non-profit organization founded by grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. As a living link, we preserve the legacies and the lessons of the Holocaust. Our mission is to educate diverse communities about the perils of intolerance and to provide a supportive forum for the descendants of survivors. Invite a speaker to your school, workplace, or community, and learn more here.